The Chinese Dragon
Having a Chinese Dragon Dance at an event is meant to bring good fortune to all. The dance is performed by a team of dancers who manipulate the dragon’s body. Its movements simulate the imagined flowing and continuous movements of this river spirit.
Chinese dragons are an important part of Chinese culture, and they are said to bring good luck to people. The dragons are believed to possess qualities that include great power, dignity, fertility, wisdom and auspiciousness. The appearance of a dragon is both fearsome and bold but it has a benevolent disposition. Historically, it represented imperial authority, and so it must be treated with great respect.
Chinese dragons are not evil. They are said to have potent and auspicious powers, particularly control over water, rainfall, hurricane, and floods.
The Dragon Dance is often led by a person holding a spherical object on a pole - known as the Pearl of Wisdom. The dance is symbolic of the dragon chasing the pearl, showing his continuous pursuit of wisdom. The pearl is also associated with spiritual energy, prosperity, power and immortality.